Linda Shaul

By Linda's View (other events)

Thu, Aug 11 2016 1:00 AM EDT Wed, Aug 31 2016 1:00 AM EDT

Today's journal is written by GIBTK board member and strong advocate for kids. She has stepped in and helped strengthen our programs as well as helped me personally this past couple years. Blessed to have her as a friend and honored to serve alongside sweet Linda; enjoy  
   "Today is our last full day in Vietnam.  As I reflect on this trip, what keeps coming to my mind is all the faces, young and old.  The first for me are the faces of the children in our homes.  New moms with new babies I had not met before.  Precious babies that I get to see grow and learn with every visit.  I see hope and possibility in the faces of new expectant moms."
   "The children have been in my heart for five years now.  There were some new kids I got to meet for the first time.  Two brothers aged 5 and 6, left on the beach by a dad that didn't know how to care for them by himself when he had to work.  They were scared and shy, and now run and play happily with their "brothers and sisters" at Mary's."

One of 2 brothers left at beach

   " Another 8 year old girl just came to Hai Chau and had never been swimming.  At the beach party she wanted so much to participate she tied herself to the ladder by the pool, but was terrified to have anyone take her in the water, even with a life jacket.  By the end of the afternoon our teens Sofie and Katie had her out in the water and asking for anyone to take her out to swim.  Just like with my own grandchildren, I want more time with all of them.  It never seems to be enough.  Their faces are the reasons I keep coming back."


    " Many of the older children now speak English very well.  It is great to have conversations without translation.  It is always easy to communicate through hugs, laughter and shared activities.  You don't need words for that.  They loved the crafts the teens put together; we learned some sign language together, shared ice cream out and a day at the beach."
     "But there were so many other faces this trip also.  New to me was a water filter distribution, which took place out in the countryside, accessible only by crossing a river on a boat.   People of all ages who had never had clean water to drink received this gift saving them time, money and easily preventing illness in their families.  Their faces were full of amazement when Sean drank their water after showing them how to work the filters in their homes." 
      "Wheelchair distributions are always some of my favorite things to participate in.  Their faces fill with anticipation, joy and empowerment.  Most shared they had not been able to sleep due to their excitement when learning they would receive a wheelchair, a long time dream for most.  One woman lost her leg in the war in the 70's when soldiers shot into her house and this was her first wheelchair.  Now in her 70's she proudly showed me that she could do it herself.  Several others had been dropped off to receive their wheelchair.  When asked who would help them get home, they said they could do it themselves and they were so very pleased.  However, the 27-year-old girl with severe brittle bone disease had to have the most determination and the brightest smile of them all.  She too wheeled herself home with an added blessing that a physician who was with us said he could operate to fix her arms so she could brush her own hair again.  Where she got her resilient spirit I cannot imagine, but she was truly inspiring."

Linda heart girl, a bit older but alive!!!

     "The heart meeting always brings mixed emotions.  There are parents and sick children with anxious and scared faces.  For many of them this is the last possibility to receive support for a much needed heart operation for their child.  Many families traveled by bus for hours in the hope to find help for their child.  There are also the smiling faces of a few other parents of past heart operation patients who are beaming smiles of happiness.  They share their story and show the others that their child can be well and run and play again.  One little girl laughed and giggled through the whole heart meeting.  This was the same one I got to hold in my lap last year, another year older and still healthy and developing well.  What a privilege to participate in transforming her life.  I look forward to following her in the future to see the path her life takes."
    "The GIBTK team makes me smile.  They have many different faces.  Sometimes curiosity or puzzlement when they don't get our jokes.  I see seriousness and eagerness to do their best.  They have a thirst for knowledge and have learned flexibility and the importance of excellence.  They get to practice it a lot!  More than anything else, I see their hearts.  We have staff that are here for the right reasons, to make a difference in another's life.  They bring hope and opportunity to our children and I am so proud of each of them."    
    "Lastly, we were able to attend Lanh's Vietnamese wedding this trip.  This was my first time to actually participate in a wedding, though you can see them being celebrated daily as you drive down the street.   Apparently weddings always include fireworks (inside the building or tent) and lots of singing.  It was beautiful and fun to learn of different traditions from ours.  Lanh heads up our Emotional Health program and shares her love and encouragement with kids, staff and anyone who knows her.  To see the love and happiness on their faces as they celebrated their special day was a blessing for me. "
    "If you have been to Vietnam before, I encourage you to come again and see how kids and programs have grown.  If you have not made the trip yet, consider all you are missing.  However, be forewarned.  The faces you see will stick in your heart and change the way you look at the world.  To see a short video film that Kristina put together this trip you can click on the link on Giving It Back To Kids Facebook page."